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GoAssignmentHelp.com.au Review
Students are always in need of writing services to help them. Is GoAssignmentHelp.com.au a website you can trust, or are they another illegal/legal scam? Read this review to find out.
GoAssignmentHelp have issues with writers
How it works
It seems that ordering with them is a case of luck, as you won’t know if you’ll get a great essay or just an ok one.
Top Australian Writing Services
Services(types of papers, subjects, academic level)
When you look up the services on the Go Assignment Help site, you’ll see they list everything as under ‘essays’ or ‘assignments’. That’s not a lot to go on, so you may want to do more research before you decide it’s safe to order from them.
How it works(order form, payment system, currency)
You’ll send off all your assignment details through the online form. The service will then come back to you with a price, which you can decide is a deal or not. Then, the writers will write your essay for you. Once it’s done, they’ll send it back to you. If you’re happy with it, it’s then yours to do with as you wish.
Prices(base, discounts, free features, additional services)
If you want a price for the essay that you need to be written, you’ll need to get in touch with the service directly. This can be a little off putting if you’re just searching for quotes at this stage. There is a promotion code for a 20% discount, so you could get some money off that order if you’re looking for a bargain.
Writers(English/non, Bachelor, Masters, Ph.D., law, tech, medical, Australian)
GoAssignmentHelp say they only hire the best writers to help their customers. They all have undergraduate degrees in their subjects, although some are more highly trained. The quality of individual writers though is really down to luck when you sign up for an account.
Quality(samples, citation, etc)
There are differing reports on the quality of writing from this site. Some customers say they were happy with their orders, while others weren’t as impressed. They say that their writers weren’t as informed as they should be, or the essay wasn’t laid out as well as it should be.
Support(phone, chat, email; sales, billing, customer support)
If you need help, there’s a free customer service line you can call for help. You can also login/sign in to the website if you want assistance. There have been issues with the refund policy though, so be aware of this. Some customers say they weren’t given their money back when they thought they were entitled to it.
Address: Level 6/140 Creek Street, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4000
Telephone: +61-283-206-023
Available Hours: 24/7
Email: No
Live Chat: Yes
Go Assignment Help is one of many writing services out there at the moment. It seems that ordering with them is a case of luck, as you won’t know if you’ll get a great essay or just an ok one.