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BestEssays.com.au Review
Students across Australia are on the hunt. This hunt is for a leading essay writing service that can help them to achieve the grades they deserve while not eating away at the limited time that students have in their lives. During this hunt, you may have come across Best Essays but is this one of the best?
Bestessays.com.au leaves a lot to be desired
How it works
With extremely poor customer service options, shockingly poor content and an extremely difficult to navigate website, I simply cannot recommend this service as the one you should be using. Instead, I highly advise you take your business elsewhere.
Top Australian Writing Services
Services(types of papers, subjects, academic level)
There are only ten limited services to choose from on BestEssays. The most common assignment types such as Essay and Research paper are included, and there’s even a resume builder, but this is simply it. This is a very poor selection, especially when you consider the leading sites offer more than 50+ writing and editing services.
How it works(order form, payment system, currency)
Make an order has not been made easy. Once you have found the hidden order button, you must enter all of your personal and financial information before your order can be processed. The order is then passed onto a writer, and you’ll simply have to wait until your order is complete before checking it over. This entire approach leaves you, as the customer, very out of the loop.
Prices(base, discounts, free features, additional services)
If you’re looking for a single-spaced essay with a three-day deadline, you’ll be looking at a shocking $55 per page! That means a ten-page essay is an incredible $550! The high prices don’t stop there. Looking for a plagiarism report on your essay? That’s an extra $100!
Writers(English/non, Bachelor, Masters, Ph.D., law, tech, medical, Australian)
It’s claimed on the website that all the writers have MD or PhD degrees and are ‘guaranteed’ to have experience in your desired subject. However, I highly doubt this. Firstly, there is no proof of whether any of this information is true and if it is, what happens if two people make an order on the same subject? Are all their writers qualified in all topics?
Quality(samples, citation, etc)
The first thing I want to point out is that the website itself is riddled with spelling mistakes. Not a good sign for a site that claims to offer high-quality writing services. However, it doesn’t stop there.
Despite a self-acclaimed 98.4% customer satisfaction rate, online forums and review sites state how poorly written the content they received was, stating that is was heavily plagiarised from online sample essays and there were even reports of essay resales.
Support(phone, chat, email; sales, billing, customer support)
There is not a lot of contact methods available. There’s an Australian and US toll-free phone number, a single email address and a basic live chat feature. This is it. There’s no dedicated email form nor is there a dedicated email address or even a physical address. This means the website has no accountability for its actions whatsoever.
Address: No
Telephone: 61-1-800-704995
Available Hours: 24/7
Email: support@bestessays.com.au
Live Chat: Yes
FAQ: Yes (https://www.bestessays.com.au/custompaperfaq.php)
As you can see, Bestessays.com.au leaves a lot to be desired. With extremely poor customer service options, shockingly poor content and an extremely difficult to navigate website, I simply cannot recommend this service as the one you should be using. Instead, I highly advise you take your business elsewhere.