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AustraliaBestTutor.com Review
There’s so many illegal/legal scam sites out there that you have to be careful. Is AustraliaBestTutor.com a legit site that you’re safe to order with? Here’s a review with everything that you need to know.
Australia Best Tutor is not the site we would trust with your essay
How it works
Some said there was even evidence of plagiarism in their essays. Look for a better reviewed service who can do your essay justice. It’s not a good idea to gamble with your grades!
Top Australian Writing Services
Services(types of papers, subjects, academic level)
When you look at the ‘Our Services’ section of the website, you’ll see that there aren’t really many services available to you. There’s assignments, essays, and dissertations available. There’s no indication of what subjects they can cover, and there’s no other services, such as editing or proofreading. There really isn’t a lot on offer.
How it works(order form, payment system, currency)
To order, you’ll need to sign up for a free account. Then, you send off the details of your work to AustraliaBestTutor. They’ll match you up with a writer, and they’ll start writing your essay. Once it’s done, they’ll then send you the completed work to assess.
Prices(base, discounts, free features, additional services)
If you want to know how much an essay would be with this service, then you’ll have to request a free quotation. This will be a problem for some students, who don’t want to hand over their details when they’re still shopping around. Unlike many other writing services, there’ also no details on any promotion code or discount deal for new customers.
Writers(English/non, Bachelor, Masters, Ph.D., law, tech, medical, Australian)
On the website, it says that the writers with this service are highly qualified in their subjects. This may be true, but it’s clear they have other writers who are less qualified, too. Who you get may well be luck of the draw.
Quality(samples, citation, etc)
We looked into reviews from past customers, to see what they had to say about the essays from this service. Many weren’t happy, saying that their writer clearly wasn’t experienced in their subject. Some said there was even evidence of plagiarism in their essays. This is very worrying to hear, especially as they have a 100% originality guarantee. Can you really trust them to write a good essay?
Support(phone, chat, email; sales, billing, customer support)
You can get in touch with customer service 24/7 for help with your order. You can contact them via their phone number, or if you login/sign in to the website. There are issues with their refund policy that you should be aware of. Apparently, it’s much stricter than advertised, catching many students unawares.
Address: No
Telephone: 61 (0) 7304-0-7305
Available Hours: 24/7
Email: support@AustraliaBestTutor.com
Live Chat: Yes
Australia Best Tutor is not the site we would trust with your essay. Look for a better reviewed service who can do your essay justice. It’s not a good idea to gamble with your grades!