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TryAssignmentHelp.com Review
If you’re looking for a writing service to help you with your assignments, then TryAssignmentHelp.com look good. Are they legit, or another illegal/legal scam to avoid?
As a service, Try Assignment Help are very much average
How it works
As a service, Try Assignment Help are very much average. The pricing is on par with other services, and the quality is dependent on which writer you end up with. There are more advanced writers out there who can give you what you need.
Top Australian Writing Services
Services(types of papers, subjects, academic level)
There seems to be an awful lot of different services you can buy on the website here. As you’d expect, there are regular academic writing services like essays and assignments. You can also get case studies, math problems and more handled for you. The customer support team will handle any queries you have when you sign up for an account.
How it works(order form, payment system, currency)
To place an order, you’ll need to fill out the form on the site with the details they’ll need, including the subject and the date you need it by. They’ll then match you up with a writer. You’ll talk with them to get the essay right, and they’ll get to work. Once it’s done, you’ll review the work, and then use it as you wish.
Prices(base, discounts, free features, additional services)
Pricing will vary on your order, depending on exactly what you need. On the site though, you’ll see that essays will start from around $11.50 AUD. There’s a discount deal for customers buying their first order, too. Use the promotion code offered to get 15% off on your essay.
Writers(English/non, Bachelor, Masters, Ph.D., law, tech, medical, Australian)
Are the writers able to write an essay that you’ll love? Try Assignment Help say that their writers are some of the best around. They’re handpicked based on their ability, so you know that they’re legit and really know their stuff. All writers must have high level degrees before they’re hired here.
Quality(samples, citation, etc)
Can you order an essay here, safe in the knowledge that it’s going to be what you need? When you take a look at the testimonials on the website, you’ll see that opinions are mixed. Customers have found that the specific writer they get will affect the essay greatly. If you don’t get the right writer, you won’t get the essay you wanted.
Support(phone, chat, email; sales, billing, customer support)
You can contact the customer service team whenever you need them, whether you have questions about ordering, or you have a question about a refund. The contact number is free, or you can login/sign in to the site and use the live chat there.
Address: No
Telephone: 020-3286-8604
Available Hours: 24/7
Email: No
Live Chat: Yes
As a service, Try Assignment Help are very much average. The pricing is on par with other services, and the quality is dependent on which writer you end up with. There are more advanced writers out there who can give you what you need.