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Australia.CustomEssayWritingServices.com Review
You’ve got to be careful you’re not ordering from illegal/legal scam sites when you need an essay. Is Australia.CustomEssayWritingServices.com the service you should use? Read this review to get all the info before you order.
Custom Essay Writing Services aren't a genuine service
How it works
Custom Essay Writing Services aren’t a genuine service. You can order an essay from them, but don’t know that you’re getting what you’re paying for. You can check their samples to see what they can do, to decide whether they’re the service for you.
Top Australian Writing Services
Services(types of papers, subjects, academic level)
On the website, there’s a good range of services on offer to Australian students. You’ll see you can order coursework, case studies, essays, term papers, and more. There’s also editing and proofreading services available to you, should you need them.
How it works(order form, payment system, currency)
To get a quote, all you need to do is fill in the form on the site. You’ll need to provide some information, such as the subject, number of pages, and the deadline for your order. You’ll be given a quote, and if you agree you’ll get a writer to start on the essay right away.
Prices(base, discounts, free features, additional services)
The price of your essay will depend on what and how much you order. As an example, you can buy an undergraduate essay from $18.95 AUD per page. There’s a discount deal too, which you can get if you use live chat to order. The team there will give you your promotion code when you login/sign in.
Writers(English/non, Bachelor, Masters, Ph.D., law, tech, medical, Australian)
Are the writers here really legit? On the About Us page on the CustomEssayWritingServices page, you’ll see that all writers here are highly qualified, and are trained in how to write an excellent essay. This should help you feel safe in ordering, as you’ll get a writer who’s well trained in your subject.
Quality(samples, citation, etc)
So, should you sign up for an account and order from this service? The best way to find out is to read the reviews and testimonies from previous customers. You can also read samples, which show that the writers here indeed do write good essays, with the right structure and citation styles. These are free so you can check them before getting a quote.
Support(phone, chat, email; sales, billing, customer support)
As with most writing services, you can get in contact with the customer service team if you need help. They’re contactable via their service number, or online via web chat. They can help with refund requests, questions about ordering or any other issues you’re having.
Address: No
Telephone: 1 844 771 4250 ext. 14
Available Hours: 24/7
Email: support@customessaywritingservices.com
Live Chat: Yes
FAQ: Yes(https://customessaywritingservices.com/faq-custom-essay-writing-service/)
Custom Essay Writing Services aren’t a genuine service. You can order an essay from them, but don’t know that you’re getting what you’re paying for. You can check their samples to see what they can do, to decide whether they’re the service for you.