At a glance
AU.SuperiorPapers.com Review
It’s difficult to find the time to fit everything in when you’re at college. I asked how my classmates kept up with everything, and they said they used essay writing services. I should have done research and found a safe, legit website, but instead I used Superior Papers.
I don’t know if superiorpapers.com is illegal/legal or not, but I’m fairly sure it was a scam
How it works
I want to warn other students to avoid them at all costs, and instead spend time finding an essay writing service you can actually trust.
Top Australian Writing Services
Services(types of papers, subjects, academic level)
Superior Papers offer all kinds of academic writing.
Types of services:
- Undergraduate Essays
- Term Papers
- Thesis
- Thesis Proposals
- Research Proposals
- Dissertation Chapters, Proofreading, & Editing
- Statistics Projects
- Biology Essays
- Law Essays
- Business Essays
- Medical Essays
- Admissions Essays
- Book Reports
- Research Essays
- Critiques
- General Coursework
How it works(order form, payment system, currency)
To make an order you simply sign up and create an account. Then you can login/sign in at any point to pay or provide details.
Prices(base, discounts, free features, additional services)
There is a 20% OFF promotion currently, but prices vary based on level of paper and turnaround time, so it’s possible to get a good deal.
Writers(English/non, Bachelor, Masters, Ph.D., law, tech, medical, Australian)
I struggle to believe that my writer spoke English as a first language.
Quality(samples, citation, etc)
I couldn’t hand in the paper I received, the quality was so poor.
Support(phone, chat, email; sales, billing, customer support)
I used the contact number provided, which wasn’t free, to get a refund but they were not helpful.
Address: No
Telephone: 1-888-369-5603
Available Hours: 24/7
Email: No
Live Chat: Yes
I don’t know if superiorpapers.com is illegal/legal or not, but I’m fairly sure it was a scam. I wanted to leave this review to warn other students to avoid them at all costs, and instead spend time finding an essay writing service you can actually trust.